The internet is a big place. There is a lot of information out there. Some are very, very good, and some are very, very bad. On this and the linked categorized pages are some web sites we have found useful.

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Lupus (SLE)
Systemic lupus erythematosus, also called lupus (or SLE for short), is a rheumatic disease that affects joints, muscles and other parts of the body. Lupus is inflammatory and may be chronic. Nearly all people with lupus have changes in disease activity known as flares and remissions.

Lupus Foundation of America Living with Lupus includes: Health Forum, Chapters, Research and Resource Library, Causes, Symptoms, Testing and Treatment.

The Lupus Site "Here you'll find information on Lupus (SLE), including symptoms, diagnosis, tests, medications, forum, survey, news, complementary therapies, living with lupus & more!"

Lupus Patients Understanding & Support - offers information and support for lupus/lupus variant and other autoimmune, connective tissues diseases, such as Hughes Syndrome.

Cyndee's Lupus Page - insight about living with lupus for 30 years, links and information about systemic lupus erythematosus.

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