SD World LogoSD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. We also offer a section of links for scleroderma medical, support, health or fun information.

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The internet is a big place. There is a lot of information out there. Some are very, very good, and some are very, very bad. On this and the linked categorized pages are some web sites we have found useful.


Vitiligo is a common skin disorder in which white spots appear on the skin. It has been around for thousands of years. Vitiligo occurs in 1–2% of the population. It affects both men and women, all races and all ages. – Vitiligo. Vitiligo causes patches of unpigmented (white) skin, anywhere on the body. Treatment is geared toward restoring color to the skin.

The Vitiligo Society The Vitiligo Society is the national UK patient support group for people with vitiligo. Areas of this site deal with such things as events, research grants, membership etc.

Vitiligo Support – offers information and support for those affected by the condition.

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In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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