SD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. We also offer a section of links for scleroderma medical, support, health or fun information.
The internet is a big place. There is a lot of information out there. Some are very, very good, and some are very, very bad. On this and the linked categorized pages are some web sites we have found useful.
Autoimmune diseases can affect the heart. Possible problems are Arrhythmias, Pericardial Effusion, and Heart Failure. Not everyone with an autoimmune disease will develop heart problems. It is important to discuss all symptoms with your doctor.
Pericardial Effusion. This page defines pericardial effusion as “the presence of an abnormal amount and/or character of fluid in the pericardial space.” Technical article with a detailed description of pericardial effusion and various treatments.
Heart (Cardiac) Involvement. “The systemic forms of scleroderma can cause cardiac (heart) problems. One of the earliest symptoms reported by Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma patients is heart irregularities.” has an excellent page. It includes Description, Diagnostic Tests, Treatments, and Research.
Cardiovascular Manifestations in Systemic Sclerosis. Primary cardiac involvement, which develops as a direct consequence of systemic sclerosis (SSc), may manifest as myocardial damage, fibrosis of the conduction system, pericardial and, less frequently, as valvular disease. PubMed, World J Cardiol. 2014 Sep 26;6(9):993-1005.