SD World LogoSD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. We also offer a section of links for scleroderma medical, support, health or fun information.

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No matter who we are, patient, caregiver, family or friends of patients or caregivers, we all need support. We need to know there is always someone there to talk to, to lend a helping hand, to lean on, to just plain listen, to know we are not alone. There are individuals and groups worldwide offering this help.


Being a Caregiver can be a thankless job. It can also be rewarding. Our caregivers offer their time, their hands, their broad backs and, most of all, they offer their hearts. They also need our support.

National Family Caregivers Association. “NFCA reaches across the life cycle and across the boundaries of differing diagnoses and relationships to address the common needs of all family caregivers.”

Empowering Caregivers. “Caregivers, whose numbers increase tenfold on a daily basis, are challenged to cope with catastrophic illnesses like cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, MS and many other debilitating maladies. This site provides assistance on practical matters and gives meaning to the spiritual and personal challenges that result from being a caregiver.”

Family Caregiver Alliance. “Our site has wonderful features for families, caregivers, professionals, policy makers and the media. Our Resource Center includes an online support group, online caregiver consultation and community services in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can post your caregiving questions to expert staff in our Ask FCA section.”

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SD World Webmaster Jo Frowde
In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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