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There are hundreds of different types of treatments for our autoimmune diseases. On this page we will try to describe some of the portable oxygen equipment.

Oxygen Therapy: Equipment

(The examples used below may involve commercial sites. They are not meant as an endorsement of that particular brand or company. They are used only as an example of what is available and what those systems look like.)

Portable Oxygen: A User's Perspective - A series of nine articles to help you “understand yourself and portable oxygen systems so that you can get the full benefit from the one you select.”

Portable Oxygen Systems - There are several different portable systems. Listed below are just a few. These are meant as a sample of what is out there and not an indorsement of any particular product or commercial site.

Portable Concentrator Backpacks and Carry Cases This will hold your oxygen and delivery device all in one bag that converts to a back pack, shoulder pack, or a hand bag for easy carrying. This is just an example, there are various other sites with some sort of back pack for sale.

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In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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