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There are hundreds of different types of treatments for our autoimmune diseases. On this page we will try to describe some of the tests for lung disease. The first was our Oxygen Therapy page. Next came Medication. In the future we hope to add others.

Oxygen Therapy: Tests

Compilation of Pulmonary Definitions - Acronyms & Abbreviations and a Glossary. First off, the jargon. The doctors use many terms and acronyms when describing pulmonary problems. Here is a pretty good site with a long list of those acronyms and abbreviations and also a glossary that may help explain what the heck everyone is talking about.

Lab Tests – A public resource on clinical lab testing from the laboratory professionals who do the testing.

Blood Gases – A pretty good, although technical, explanation of ABG's and what they mean.

Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT's) – This web page is pretty technical, but it does provide a good explanation of what the test results of a PFT mean.

Quantitative lung scan (V/Q) – This test measures lung capacity in both lungs.

Diagostic Tests and Procedures - from Columbia University College of Physicians and Sugeons. Listed by category, cancer, nerve and muscles, respiratory, etc.; each describes the purpose of the test, preparation needed, the time it takes, description of the actual procedure and the risk of the test to the patient. For more specific information, please consult your local health care provider.

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In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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