Computer Help
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Need a new driver for your printer? Is that program acting up? What exactly is "bios"? Here are some handy links.

New to the Net

Computer Help

Internet How-tos







Game Search Engines...A gamer's game search engine. Type in your favorite game inone of the eight game search engines and see what it finds!


Free Graphics...a searchable database of the best free graphics sites -- sites are categorized, rated and reviewed.

GifPile...The Internet's top 2600 FREE graphic links & Homepage Resources


Macintosh Hardware

Click & Learn...a guide to the PC, its hardware.

Active Buyer's Guide: Digital Cameras...helps shoppers find the most appropriate models based on their personal preferences.

A Short Course in Digital Photography...Dennis Curtin's online book includes coverage of such topics as stereo, panoramic, and object photography.

FAQ - Typing Injury/ and details on products which can replace or augment your existing keyboard.

Web Directory: Printer Manufacturers and Printer Drivers...links to printer manufacturers' web pages.

Penguin's Printer Page...A collection of pointers to printer drivers on the net.

A few scanning tips...The purpose is to offer some scanning tips and hints, help with fundamentals and other basic scanning information to help you get the most from your scanner.


Virus Information...Don't Panic. So you think you've got a virus? Site has the latest information.

AntiVirus Resources...Antivirus software, hoax, and warnings resource. A comprehensive site.

Protecting Your Computer Against Viruses

Computer Virus Myths...Confirmed, Houston. The Sky is not falling.

Hoax Warnings

The Software Directory Directory...Finding it hard to track down all the software directories?

Comprehensive List of Freeware, Shareware & Software Sites

Tutorials and Other Help

Help 2 Go...Free Computer Advice and Tutorials. Great site with Computer Guides, Internet Guides, Buying Online (a very good primer), E-Mail/Messaging, Web Browsers and Is This Legal? There is also a collection of great FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions).

Glossary of Internet Terms...Glossary lists hundreds of words, all part of an emerging vocabulary of terms related to the World Wide Web.

Webopedia...Someone talking "technical" to you? Look it up here. The only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet terminology.

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