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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Smilies

The Freeware Hall of Fame Presents... Acronyms

Usenet Acronyms


Living Almanac of Disasters...With categories for fires, earthquakes, and transportation.

Daily Alamanac...Who was born and what happened on any given day?

Information Please Almanac...From the print reference database, offering millions of useful and interesting facts on a wide range of topics online. Also includes a dictionary and encyclopedia.


The Calendar Zone...Comprehensive categorized calendar catalog currently containing countless correlating connections & calzone recipes!

The Earth Calendar...The Earth Calendar is a daybook of holidays and celebrations around the world.

Virtual Perpetual Calendar...A whole year at a glance.


Merriam-Webster Online...The Language Center to dictionaries and reference materials on the internet.

OneLook Dictionaries... Allows you to search for multiple definitions of a word from a variety of online dictionaries.


Encyclopedia Britannica...Access to the full contents of the encyclopedia, as well as news and links.

Columbia Encylopedia, Sixth Edition...More than 42,000 articles on the world of knowledge--from aardvark to zither.


National Geographic Map Machine

Atlapedia...Contains physical and political maps, plus facts and statistics on the countries of the world.

MapQuest...Explore interactive maps for cities and towns worldwide, generate detailed door-to-door driving directions with TripQuest, and customize and save maps.

Measurements and Units

How Many?...Dictionary of units of measurement with commentaries and explanations of the English Customary, Metric, and International Systems.

Measuring Units Conversion Tables...Convert area, length, temperature, time, volume, weight, and fruit between different unit measurements.

Metric and English Unit Conversions...Convert area, length, temperature, time, volume, weight, and fruit between different unit measurements.

Timezone Converter...Specify the time zone, time, and date to convert from, and the time zone to convert to.

Phone numbers and Addresses business listings, white pages, zip, country, and area codelookups.

Reverse Phone Directory...Identifies a name and address from a telephone number.

411 Locate...Offers a free database to list your e-mail and web site addresses.

Switchboard...Free nationwide residential and business directory.

Postal Information

U.S. Post Office...Includes zip codes, post office locator, stamps online, change of address, rate calculator and current postage fees.

Official U.S. Postal Service Abbreviations

Postage Rates Worldwide


Roget's Thesaurus...of English words and phrases.

Merriam-Webster Thesaurus

Synonyms Dictionary

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