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Alfera's Far From Home Journey

Our First Day on the Road

Hi all,

I am just sending this along to let you know that we have made it to our first stop. We are at about the 3,000 foot level in South Eastern Oregon. On day two, we hope to travel between 400 and 450 miles. That should put us a bit north of Salt Lake City or just in the Southwestern Corner of Wyoming. We are taking a more center of the line approach across the country as a result of the snow storms in the Midwest and the tornado's in the more eastern and southern cities.

It is a beautiful evening and we are all pretty crashed so I am keeping this short.

I have attached the following pictures for you to enjoy.

Don & Karol and the traveling pups

Day 1 Alfera Loading Van
Day 1, Loading Van
The RV and Van loaded and ready for the trip.
Don and Karol Alfera
Day 1 John Day Dam
Day 1, Dam
John Day Dam on the Colombia River that separates about half of Washington and Oregon
Don and Karol Alfera
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SD World Webmaster Jo Frowde
In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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