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Alfera's Far From Home Journey

Well, here we are...

It is day 6 and we are finally rested and in a very nice place. We have stayed here for 2 days to get some rest and play with the dogs. We will get to all this, but first we need to catch up.

Day 4

What a hot, flat, dry and windy day this was. As we were climbing the top of the Continental Divide it was so flat at the top. There were some hill tops, but it was mostly flat at the top. We stayed at a place that was a flat level gravel pit. LOL But, there was a view that overlooked a few hundred miles. It was quite beautiful. The attached pictures will show you a sunset, then in the morning, the first light in the day, (still 20 degrees outside) showed the light on a herd of Antelope resting and grazing on the hillside.

The people there were wonderful. They lent us a second phone jack line so we could get on line at our campsite. We were able to chat and send some mail and some instant messages. This was nice as we were so far behind on so much.

No water that night because of the freezing temperature, and the heat was running quite frequently. In the morning, the showers were great! Lots of hot water and it actually had good pressure. It was a good day and we were getting a relatively early start for our next branch of the trip.

The pups are still not in the picture as they are waiting for the right place to pose for a group shot. They will and wait till you see them. They are having a wonderful time.

Well, my turn to drive.

Have a great day,

Don, Karol and company

Day 4 Sunset
Day 4 Beautiful Sunset
Don and Karol Alfera
Day 4 Antelope
A herd of Antelope resting and grazing on the hillside.
Don and Karol Alfera
Day 4 Picnic Area
The observation picnic area at the Continental Divide.
Don and Karol Alfera
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In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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